• How do I ftp to QSL.NET?
    Check out QSL.NET's FTP page at: https://www.qsl.net/kb9lpj/ftp/ftp.html

  • I get the message: "can't get ftp://ftp.qsl.net" When I try to upload my homepage.
    You are trying to put your webpage in a place that doesn't exist. Make sure the Host Name/Address is correctly set to "ftp.qsl.net" (no quotes) and that the remote directory path in your FTP program is blank.

  • I FTP'd my files to qsl.net, but when I go to my homepage's URL, https://www.qsl.net/xxxxxx, I don't see the file(s) I uploaded.
    Most likely, you didn't name your main file "index.html" (no quotes). You must name your main page, the one you want people to see first, index.html.

  • I uploaded my website files but my site is not found when using a search engine like Google.
    You have to ask Google to index your site. See the instructions from Google HERE.

  • Some of my graphics or files don't work on my page, but I know the files are on the server, what happened?
    This is a Unix system, file names are case sensitive. That is to say, mypic.gif is not the same file as mypic.GIF or MYPIC.gif. So if you refer in you html script to MYPIC.GIF and you uploaded a file called mypic.gif, you won't see your picture. Best thing to do is always save files in lowercase, and always reference them in lowercase.

  • My password or username is not accepted by the server, but I know I typed them in correctly?
    UNIX is case sensitive. Paswords and usernames must be in the correct case!

  • I get the message:"220----+ WARNING ... * The computing equipment at QTH.NET is for the use of our..." What's wrong???
    First of all, here is the complete message:
    220----------------------------------+ WARNING+--------------------------------
    220- * The computing equipment at QTH.NET is for the use of our subscribers,
    220- staff, and approved associates only. Accessing this equipment without
    220- prior authorization is a violation of federal law.
    220- * Individuals accessing this computer system thru the Internet are
    220- subject to having all of their activities monitored and recorded
    220- without further notice. Keystroke monitoring as well as other forms
    220- of monitoring may be used.
    220- * Any individual who uses this system expressly consents to such monitoring
    220- and is advised that if this monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal
    220- activity, this evidence may be provided to federal law enforcement officials
    220- for possibleprosecution.
    220-You have requested an in.ftpd connection from qsl.net
    220-If this is not a currently authorized connection a log has been made of this
    220-attempt. If you have a legitimate reason for connecting to this site, access
    220-may be granted at the discretion of local system administrators.
    220-For external access approval, send email to [email protected]
    All access to systems here are logged....If you have an account with QSL.NET ignore this message. If you are into pirated software or pornography be advised I will prosecute


  • How do I put a counter on my page?
    Just put this code into your HTML script:

    <img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi?dd=D|ft=3|df=xxxxxx.dat"align=absmiddle>


    xxxxxx = your login name

  • Some of my graphics or files don't work on my page, but I know the files are on the server, what happened?
    This is a Linux system, file names are case sensitive. That is to say, mypic.gif is not the same file as mypic.GIF or MYPIC.gif. So if you refer in you html script to MYPIC.GIF and you uploaded a file called mypic.gif, you won't see your picture. Best thing to do is always save files in lowercase, and always reference them in lowercase.

  • How big can my hompage be? Are there size limits?
    There are NO quotas as long as your home page has meaningful ham radio content.

  • I can't get sound to work in Netscape or Internet Explorer, what gives?
    Try this HTML code:
    <BGSOUND SRC="xxxxxxx.xxx" LOOP="INFINITE">
    <embed src="xxxxxxx.xxx" autostart=true hidden=true></embed>

    Where xxxxxxx.xxx is the name of you file.

  • How do I get cgi file access to QSL.NET
    Due to high server loads cgi access is no longer provided. If you need more advanced web hosting services, including the ability to run your own scripts, create MySQL databases, etc., we recommend using QTH.com. Hosting services start at $4.95/mo. See http://hosting.qth.com.


  • How do I change my mail address?
    Login into our new Self-Help System to change your email address.

  • Can I retrieve my mail from QSL.NET rather than having it forwarded to me??
    No, we do not offer POP3 Accounts. However, QTH.com offers POP3 Accounts for only $1 per month. The service includes many features such as SpamAssassin, IMAP / WebMail, Auto Responders, Outbound SMTP service (with alternate port available to circumvent ISPs that block Port 25), Unlimited e-mail forwarding, E-mail Filtering, etc. See http://hosting.qth.com for more information.

    If you have any problems, please check with you e-mail program's help files first.


  • I lost my login username, password, or instructions. What should I do?
    Login into our new Self-Help System to find this information.

  • I got a new Callsign, can I change my old one to my new one?
    We do not yet have a good "change callsign" procedure. To get a new website and email address with your new callsign, please do the following:
    1. Sign up for new service with your new callsign.
    2. When you are ready for your old website and e-mail forwarding cancelled, you can request them to be deleted via our Self-Help System.

  • Can I change my password?
    Yes! Login into our new Self-Help System to change your password.

  • Where do I send donations for QSL.NET?
    See our Donation Page -- Thanks, in advance, for your support!

  • I have a webpage question. Who do I ask?
    See our Contact Us page.

  • I have a listserve question. Who do I ask?
    See our Contact Us page.